a series of theatrical encounters led by Valentina Milan
18.00 – 19.30
sede centrale Units
salone ARDISS, Salita di Monte Valerio, 3

This workshop – which is not an English course – will be run from October 2019 to May 2020. The workshop will be focussed on exercises which will aim at awakening our body (by increasing awareness of tension and releasing it), our voice (by increasing awareness of breathing, of resonating power of the different parts of the body and by trying to connect it to images and emotions) and ultimately our imagination (by playing games based on improvisation).
The overall function of the work is to start approaching the complex world of acting by gently removing our physical and psychological blocks. We will move, speak, hopefully laugh a lot and why not, maybe cry. We will try to create a community.
Be aware that exercises include a lot of physical movements. These can be adjusted to individual physical needs.
Bring loose clothing for work. No belts. No jeans.

Il corso è rivolto a studenti universitari, dottorandi e studenti delle scuole superiori.

Presentazione corsi martedì 1 ottobre sede centrale Units
ed. H3, aula 1B, primo piano.

Foto di Vanni Napso

Per informazioni:
info@cutrieste.com | 388 39 80 768 | cutrieste.com